LIVE-IT Partners.
Learn more about our amazing partners.
What is a partnership? It is a relationship involving close cooperation between parties with specified joint expectations and responsibilities. We have great partners that share our mission to reach neighbors in our community that are less fortunate and alone.
“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.” Ecclesiastes 4:9
Church Partners
Celebration Lutheran Church
Mission Statement
In grateful response to God’s grace and empowered by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacraments, the mission of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is vigorously to make known the love of Christ by word and deed within our churches, communities and the world.
Evergreen Church
Evergreen Church was established in the early 1980’s to be a community that loved people and brought God’s love to Sevier County. Evergreen Church is called to love people, help them become and grow as followers of Jesus Christ, and send them out into the world to serve the community with love.
First Baptist Sevierville
“Sharing Jesus, serving Him and strengthening Christians with excellence for the glory of God.”
Develop an Acts 1:8 culture, maximize the power of prayer, make disciples of every member, identify and develop leaders, create connections with excellence for the glory of God.
Kodak United Methodist
Accepting all people where they are in life. Worship of an awesome, loving, and forgiving God. Compassion for others when they are hurting and broken. Making a difference in places where there are great needs. Creativity, innovation, and excellence in all aspects of work. Growing spiritually and relationally while gathering together.
New Hope Church of God Kodak
New Hope Church is theologically conservative, emotionally expressive, missionally focused, and relationally interconnected. New Hope is a community-focused church welcoming all regardless of background.
Parkway Church of God
Our desire is to be used by God to reach our surrounding community with the love of Christ. Our goal is for each person in our congregation to learn how to completely yield to Jesus so that they can be used as an instrument of love in reaching others. We believe that God has a special plan and purpose for everyone!
Pathways Church
Vision & Mission
Seeing lives changed to fully-devoted followers of Christ.
Pathways is a non-denominational church that started in 1995. Today Pathways brings a fresh perspective to church life for the 21st century. The real-life conversation style appeals to all walks of life.
the Pursuit
The Pursuit is a church whose outflow is a reflection of the intimate in-flowing of the Holy Spirit. the Pursuit desire is to impact our community by sharing the Gospel through practical acts of kindness. By offering intense discipleship Pursuit will equip the saints for the work of the ministry and establish a solid foundation for believers young and old.
Seymour FBC
Connecting the community with Christ.
First Baptist Church of Seymour began in 1893 with 33 charter members from four area churches. Missionary work started in 1894 that grew into the Woman’s Missionary Society by 1904. Mission emphasis continues to be an important part of Seymour FBC.
Seymour Heights Christian Church
Mission: to WALK as Jesus walked. Worship wholeheartedly. Attract others to Jesus. Live transformed lives. Keep our focus on Jesus.
Seymour United Methodist Church
Seymour UMC is growing to know Jesus; Living to show Jesus; Loving all people through action; Changing the world by faith.
Seymour UMC has Sunday School, youth, children’s activities, Groups for senior citizens and single adults. A talented choir and praise team provides leadership in the ministry of worship and praise. Work in missions includes local, regional and worldwide projects.
Business Partners